
This site is designed to help AFNQL Women Elected in First Nations politics: the AFNQL Council of Women Elected shines like a beacon of leadership. Their commitment to resources, support and caring is both powerful and inspiring. Their lateral approach, imbued with collaboration and mutual respect, transforms challenges into opportunities, paving the way for a more inclusive and prosperous future for Indigenous communities. In collaboration with https://apnql.com/ to develop Femmes élues APNQL autochtone.

It's a matter of impact, and accurate history

Explanation of logo

Profile view of a woman

This profile view represents a positive female leader looking forwards in the hope of making a difference in her community.

A symbol of infinity

The lines of her hair represent continuity and friendship. It's a unifying symbol that enables Indigenous women leaders to support each other and to create good relations between nations.

Labrador tea flowers

This herb is often used in traditional First Nations medicine. The plant represents healing and kindness.

History of selected women

Since 2007, the women elected as Grand Chiefs, Chiefs or Councillors among the 43 governments of the First Nations of Quebec-Labrador that make up the AFNQL, have decided to unite and set common goals and joint measures by forming the AFNQL Council of elected Women. This enables them to support and give direction to the AFNQL spokespersons sitting on the Women's Council of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN).

Over the years, the women elected as government representatives of the First Nations of Quebec-Labrador have also developed and maintained relations with Women Parliamentarians of the Quebec National Assembly, with whom a formal protocol was established.

They maintain regular contact with the Quebec Native Women organization, and are always interested in creating new alliances with other groups that share common concerns and goals.

The elected women of the First Nations have continuously created opportunities which help them in acquiring training and knowledge related to their political responsibilities. The participation of women in the functioning and improvement of democratic institutions is at the heart of their collective interests.

The elected women of the First Nations also initiate fundamental processes of reflection and commitment regarding sensitive issues, such as lateral kindness. Their commitment on this matter resulted in the resolution adopted by the AFNQL in June 2023, inviting all governments and institutions accountable to the Chiefs to adopt attitudes and actions inspired by kindness.

The AFNQL adopted resolutions 07-2007, 11-2008 and 1-2014, in relation to the Council of elected Women of the First Nations of Quebec-Labrador.